Category Archives: Celebrity loves

Shia LaBeouf loves that one pair of boots and jeans combo

Shia LaBeouf has a few different outfits and in fact, some people think he is something of a style icon, but by far and away his favourite thing to wear is this skinny jean and lace up boot combo. He is fond of exercise leggings

Ben Affleck still loves taking his new girlfriend for a walk during lockdown

It may have been a month since we checked in on Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas, but their walks haven’t slowed down and we can therefore assume that neither has their (public facing) new love. Only now, they have facemasks. Sometimes the facemasks are

Vin Diesel Loves Wearing White pt2

Previously we have talked about Vin Diesel and his wardrobe. He loves a pair of white jeans, really hates sleeves, and makes an odd choice or two but he also really, really loves a white vest or just a white top of any kind. You

Shawn Mendes (and Camila Cabello) love taking coffee mugs for a walk during lockdown

Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello may be a couple going for their daily walks during lockdown under the watchful view of the paparazzi, just like Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas. But unlike Affleck and de Armas they don’t have facemasks and dogs, they have

Ben Affleck loves taking his new girlfriend for a walk during lockdown

Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas going on so many walks whiffs of fake. We don’t need your pda we need you to go home. You know going for so many dog walks during lock down and flaunting your new fancy lady friend (she is

The Rock Loves Suits and Gym Clothes all colours of the rainbow

The Rock always puts a lot of effort into his outfits even if I have noticed what he wears swings wildly from dapper fellow in a suit to sweaty gym bunny, with very little casual stuff in between. Think about it, when was the last

Vin Diesel Loves Wearing White pt 1

Vin Diesel absolutely has a favourite colour when it comes to his wardrobe and that colour is white. Just how many pairs of white jeans does this man own? Too many I tell you. But he does look happy in those white trousers.

The Rock Loves Vests

We already know that The Rock loves looking a bit confused and wearing really tight t-shirts but I have only just realised how much The Rock also loves a vest. All sorts of vests. Back in his wrestling days The Rock was very much a

Henry Cavill Loves Selfies

Looking at Henry Cavills Instagram we can know three things for sure. He takes a lot of selfies. Seriously, if Henry Cavill wasn’t a handsome, well-spoken movie star I would feel sorry for him. Does this man not have any friends to take a picture

Jeremy Renner loves modelling

Jeremy Renner loves modelling, and left to his own devises wears some very questionable clothes too. Just look at him perched awkwardly on a box. I’m not sure why he looks so smug when he is wearing a weird pair of boot with no laces.